a poem

Posted: April 20th, 2008 | Author: | Filed under: Les fleurs de l'abîme | 1 Comment »

The pennycandistore beyond the El

Is where I first

fell in

with unreality

Jellybeans glowed in the semi-gloom

of that september afternoon

A cat upon the counter moved among

The licorice

tootsie rolls

and Oh Boy Gum

Outside the leaves were falling as they died


A wind had blown away the sun

A girl ran in

Her hair was rainy

Her breasts were breathless in the little room

Outside the leaves were falling

and they cried

Too soon! too



Lawrence Ferlinghetti



One Comment on “a poem”

  1. 1 Carlo said at 20:10 on April 21st, 2008:

    Beat! Mi viene in mente una canzone di Tom Waits: Eggs & Sausage (in a Cadillac with Susan Michelson) da Nighthawks at the diner, che cominciava con una splendida intro su una “colazione animata”.

    nighthawks at the diner
    of Emma 49er, there’s a rendevous
    of strangers around the coffee urn tonight
    all the gypsy hacks, the insomniacs
    now the paper’s been read
    now the waitress said
    eggs and sausage and a side of toast
    coffee and a roll, hash browns over easy
    chile in a bowl with burgers & fries
    what kind of pie?
    in a graveyard charade a late shift masquerade
    2 for a quarter a dime for a dance
    with Woolworth rhinestone diamond
    earrings, and a sideways glance
    and now the register rings
    and now the waitress sings
    eggs and sausage and a side of toast
    coffee and a roll, hash browns over easy
    chile in a bowl with burgers & fries
    what kind of pie?
    the classified section offered no direction
    it’s a cold caffeine in a nicotine cloud
    now the touch of your fingers
    lingers burning in my memory
    I’ve been 86ed from your scheme
    I’m in a melodramathic nocturnal scene
    I’m a refugee from a disconcerted affair
    and the lead pipe morning falls
    and the waitress calls
    eggs and sausage and a side of toast
    coffee and a roll, hash browns over easy
    chile in a bowl with burgers & fries
    what kind of pie?
